Something that is near and dear to my heart is RECOVERY.
There is something powerful about humbling yourself enough to listen to someone bigger and stronger and wiser than you. It doesn’t come easy. In fact, it is actually one of the hardest things I have ever done and they say many people never get to that point until they hit their “rock bottom.” Not only is it SO difficult, but it is also a choice that you have to make every. single. day. A hundred times. A million times. Because just choosing once to recover is not enough. But when you are desperate. When you need change like you need oxygen. Then you are willing to listen, to hope that things can be better, and voluntarily choose to submit to that higher power, giving up all your secrets and devoting yourself to the pursuit of truth and honesty and service–And that is when miracles happen. That is when joy is possible, and you can fly.
This Resurrection Exhibit organized by my friend Carin Fausett is like oxygen to my soul and manna for my heart. This darling lady has painted visual representations of all of the twelve steps of recovery and they are all out for display. Not only that, but there is an entire gallery of artwork from men and women who have overcome, or who are overcoming addictions and trials in their lives. I encourage anyone who is near the Salt Lake Valley to take a few moments out of your day and go see what she, and they, have created over there.